Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Holidays & Other Hair Issues

 It's just past holiday time. Rob is home from uni. Dan had a week off skiing, but is now home after having a wonderful time and desperate to go back. Yet another sport for Dan! Jimmi has been home the whole time. He doesn't venture far these days, which suits me. Also he's had a week sick - the dreaded man-cold. Not sure that they have consented to me writing about them, but I'll carry on regardless! I'm getting a bit sick of writing about me.

Rob is home from uni for a few weeks . It's great to have him home. He's great at running around after his brothers for me! First noticeable thing about him was his hair -or rather, lack thereof. It is the shortest I have seen it since he was about 4 when his father took him for a haircut and he came home with a No. 2 - last time his father ever took him for a haircut! Unfortunately he doesn't have the right shaped head to sport a shaved look (unlike his mother and brother). This time, as he had been told a few times that his head resembled a mop, he decided to get a cut before coming home. Apparently went in for a trim. Came out with much more and definitely no curls! He is still beautiful (spoken like a true mother)!

Whilst we're on hair issues ( I seem to be obsessed these days) I'll tell you about Jimmi's. For a long time he has been wanting white hair (like Grandma's). So, after he checked at school that it would be ok, I eventually relented and off he went to get his hair whitened! Unfortunately, because it is so dark, it didn't quite go the colour he wanted (white), but after 3 &1/2 hours at the hairdresser, multiple applications of bleach and toner and many $$$ he emerged with blonde hair (rather like it was when he was 3) and was pretty happy! Although we spent the next few days thinking some stranger had moved in, we are all used to it now and we all like it.



Not much change to Dan's hair. Not quite long enough for the annual dreads to have formed, but long enough for the flyaway curls. Andy's hair is as smooth and cool as ever. Mine is growing back (already!) and is definitely more salt than pepper. However, we'll deal with that when the time is right. Might go burgundy!

The beginning of the holidays Jimmi had his birthday. This involved a group of his friends coming for a sleepover which included a fire on the beach. While here, they formed a band!!!
The Band

The rest of the holidays have sailed by with various trips to the beach, lots of soccer and even more of DVD/ TV viewing and computer stuff.Two of the three boys are re-reading the complete Harry Potter series! Rob's under pressure to finish them before uni starts back, but is confident he can achieve this goal.

Despite the extra meal planning, (actually they do their own - I only do dinner), cleaning (I don't do that either) and washing (team effort), I do enjoy the holidays surrounded by my strapping young men!

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